Natural Products
5 Natural Hair Removal Remedies
For many of us, hair removal accompanies our ongoing grooming and beauty routines. Whether we're ridding ourselves of stray whiskers, leg hair, armpit fuzz, or any other rogue strands, there are plenty of natural approaches to try. After years of trying conventional cream hair removers (which caused rashes on my skin) and considering expensive laser removal, I've adopted simpler natural hair removal remedies. Maybe you can, too!
How Does Hair Grow?
First, let's get to the root of how hair pops up on our bodies. Did you know that your hair growth aligns with natural bodily cycles? Sometimes hair sprouts like wild grasses, and other times it's basically dormant. These cycles vary based on the area of the body, age, hair density, hair color, and hormones, according to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology. If you have a concern about rapid or thick hair growth, consult a dermatologist for professional guidance.
5 Natural Hair Removal Remedies
For years, I've battled temporary irritation after shaving. I felt like I did all the right things: soaked in warm water, exfoliated, tried natural shaving creams without fragrances, and used fresh razors. Then, I explored alternatives to shaving. Here are a few to consider!
1. Plucking
Use hand-held tweezers to grab the hair near the skin and pull in the direction of the hair growth. It should easily remove with a tiny, fleeting moment of discomfort. I like to use this hair removal method around my eyebrows, chin, or bikini line. It's tedious but removes the hair by the root, which means it takes much longer to grow back than shaved hair.
2. Waxing
You can request this method at a salon or attempt it at home. I've found that using store-bought wax strips (look for those made with beeswax for a natural approach) to remove small patches of hair is effective. For example, to remove upper lip hair, I tackle it in three sections: to the left side, under my nose, and to the right side. At a salon, you'll be treated to warm wax applied directly to the skin that's covered by a small cloth, pressed, then peeled away quickly.
3. Sugaring
This is similar to waxing. After cleansing your skin, you can apply this sticky caramel-like paste made from warm sugar, honey, lemon juice, and water. When the mixture dries, simply peel it away, pulling the hair from the roots. I haven't tried this method, but I've heard it's less painful than waxing because the sugar doesn't adhere to the skin with the same tackiness as wax.
4. Pumice Stone
According to Healthline, the same natural pumice stones you use to slough dry skin from your heels can also remove hair. Yes! Simply soak the skin in warm water for 5 to 10 minutes, lather with soap, then rub the hair with a wet stone using a gentle circular motion. The movement works to pull the hair from the follicles. It does sting a bit and can dry out your skin, but it can be an effective method for fine hair.
5. Homemade Remover
There are ample recipes out there for homemade hair removers. Most use a concoction of egg whites, sugar, flour, honey, or other sticky ingredients—including fruit. The International Journal of Pharmaceutics explains that an enzyme in papaya known as papain is an effective hair remover. For most homemade depilatories, you create a paste, apply it to the skin, let it dry, then peel it away to remove the embedded hair. This option is better for fine-textured hair rather than coarse hair.
After any hair removal process, soothe your skin. I like to apply a cool, damp washcloth, then a dab of coconut oil to moisturize the skin.
It's also acceptable to let your hair grow. I've discovered I don't mind letting the hair on my legs fill in occasionally. Maybe you have similar areas where you can let your hair grow naturally, too!
Learn more DIY beauty and self-care tips on the Natural Inspiration board from @tomsofmaine on Pinterest.
Image Sources: Pexels | Pexels | Unsplash
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