5 Sweat-Inducing Foods to Avoid

By Ashley Ess in Healthy Feeling

You know exercise and warmer weather can make you sweat. But you may be surprised to learn there's also a link between your diet and perspiration—certain foods encourage the body to sweat more.

And while sweating is a healthy, natural function (and even has benefits), it's understandable to want to minimize the uncomfortable wetness and odor that can come with perspiration. With that said, one way to curb unwanted wetness without sacrificing your active lifestyle is to avoid sweat-inducing foods and beverages.

So what foods tend to generate excess sweat? Here are five of the worst offenders.

Someone making latte art

1. Coffee, Tea, and Other Caffeinated Drinks

Caffeine is a stimulant that kicks the nervous system into high gear, increases heart rate, and raises blood pressure—all bodily reactions that create more sweat. Side note: chocolate also contains caffeine!

2. Alcohol

Like caffeine, consuming alcohol can increase your heart rate and blood pressure. Increased blood flow can also cause your skin to flush, making you feel warmer than you actually are and tripping your body's temperature regulation wires. These mixed messages tell your body to turn on the perspiration valves.

3. Spicy Food

Most spicy food contains hot peppers. Capsaicin, a compound in spicy peppers, makes your body think its temperature has increased, similar to what happens when you drink alcohol. Your body then reacts to the perceived heat and produces sweat to cool down.

4. Salty Food

Excess salt can lead to excess sweat. According to the Peconic Bay Medical Center, sodium can make your heart pound. Eating sodium-rich meals can prompt your body to sweat more as a result.

5. Meat

The scientific jury is still out on what truly causes the "meat sweats." One theory is that since meat is a concentrated protein, consuming large amounts may induce sweating because the body has to work harder to metabolize the added protein.

Two women at a restaurant eating bruschetta with wine glasses nearby.

Reducing Sweat While Eating What You Love

Eliminating all of these sweat-inducing foods may not seem feasible, and that's okay. Some sweating is normal, so you can't expect it to stop altogether. But you may find that specific foods seem to trigger your body's sweat glands more. Experimenting to find the right balance for you can be a great way to reduce sweat while still enjoying the foods you love. If you still find that you're sweating a little more than you'd like, you can stay fresh and beat moisture with the right wetness protection natural deodorant.

If you're looking for more ways to curb unwanted perspiration, try these natural remedies for excessive sweating.

Image Sources: Pexels | Unsplash | Pexels

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Why It's Good

Your diet can affect how much you sweat. By reducing or eliminating certain foods that induce perspiration, you can better manage this common effect of an active lifestyle.